Have had to ask myself sometimes especially when the road is seeming too rough, if am in the will of the Father? This is because most times we’ve been taught that when we are in the father’s will, things are expected to fall into place giving birth to smooth plans but I found out that it’s not always like that. Yes it’s beautiful to be sure that you are in the father’s will but then don’t doubt that voice or conviction just because the road is rough. It can be smooth or rough but be sure that once “He has said it, He will not stop till it’s finished” and “He will sure make all things beautiful in His time.”
So don’t give up yet because “He knows the plans that He has for you, thoughts of good and not evil to give you an expected end”
#Knowing the will of the father
#Happy new month
#Phavie loves you
I Was going through the book “WHY MEN MARRY BITCHES” and would love to share it with you – Not really a book most persons would to read but it’s a book I would recommend especially if you have a challenge putting up the right esteem in your relationship or even as a single. It would help you build your esteem and enjoy yourself for “who you are” and not what “they want you to be”. Must warn though it’s not religious. So if you are the religious type please don’t but if you want to learn something new then it’s a new day. BITCH first of all according to Sherry Argov stands for Babe In Total Control of Herself and for a lady to be in control of herself spells being in control of your thoughts, your emotions, your words and actions and being completely responsible. Most times when we find love, we want to do everything to keep it including losing control of our very self and thereby allowing whoever the love is ...
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