The uniqueness of the youth age “Remember now thy creator in the data of thy youth...” Ecc 12:1 The youthful age, the age of agility, the age of questions, the age of discovery and so much more. The foundation of a man’s life is either made or marred at this stage and getting it right can be so confusing. Everyone wants to be a part of your success story by giving you hints in how you should live the life. I just want to help you out by bringing to your remembrance that only the manufacturer of a thing is in the best position to define His product. We are all products of one man and Ge has made us in His image and likeness so no matter how confusing this stage can be, it can never be confusing to Him because He knows our ends from the beginning. So how about the next time you feel confused, frustrated and you don’t know the next step to take, you take a time to ask Him our before you seek other counsels. Am sure the right answers will be starring at before you know it. one of the ways he also sends these answers are bringing your way an amazing program such as this and you can afford to miss .Link for registration


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