

Whenever I hear this word there is always joy in my spirit. It’s something that’s too good to be true, how do we explain that in rags we were found attractive, still in the mud someone thought something good can still be produced. It doesn't make sense why he doesn't make it a law, why on earth would you not force something so amazing on your children, the place of free will makes submission so wonderful.


It’s a full story that has to be told and needs to be heard by all. It’s a story of how someone so unworthy was looked upon and not just granted worth but made worthy, sanctified and this is the most exciting part is that even the memories of this unworthiness is take away completely.


I don’t know about you but I sure know I can’t keep calm as this is nothing short of a miracle. Guess what, it gets better. One will think it would require millions to achieve this or at best small change but it’s completely free all it takes is simply BELIEVING. How much exciting can this story get.


You get a whole new life and free to live in His glory all days of life. If you haven’t entered this amazing gift then I can only but wonder and imagine why?


Come have an amazing life, one that can only be found in Jesus. 


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