I watched this movie “COCO” and am sure you’ve watched it too. But there is something striking about that movie. It’s the life after death. To ensure a great life after death you have to be remembered by someone who would be kind enough to put up your photo if they want see you again. After the movie I paused to see if I would survive a year in the other world. In thought of this my mind went to so many others that died yet remembered for the remarkable things they did and even though dead their memory still lives on and I also remembered DORCAS in the bible who was giving a second chance at living because of her good deeds.
I believe you get my gist but if not let
me ask it plainly; “how long would you
last in the other world”? “How many
persons would put up your photo just to see you again”?
I life of purpose gets to answer that
question because in living a life of purpose, you live not for yourself but for
everyone around you and you touch lives. So I urge you to live a life of
purpose, putting smiles on the faces of all around you by reaching out to them
in the best way possible and enjoy a second chance at living even though dead.
# Live a
Life Of Purpose#
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