Of his fullness have we received grace for
Even greater grace has he given us. GRACE –a person of Jesus Christ has been sent to make our Christian walk a whole lot easier to help us
Even greater grace has he given us. GRACE –a person of Jesus Christ has been sent to make our Christian walk a whole lot easier to help us
achieve all we need to. But just as an adopted child
of “Dangote” unaware of his inheritance will still find POVERTY a
So it is. Grace has been given but we need to spend time in
studying and fellowship in order to grasp a full maturity of who we actually
So it is. Grace has been given but we need to spend time in
studying and fellowship in order to grasp a full maturity of who we actually
are in
Christ-grace.So we can no longer be tossed by very word of doctrine.
We grow stress free in Christ when we spend time with him.
We grow stress free in Christ when we spend time with him.
We unconsciously live up the fruits of the spirit and even become advanced in your use of the gifts that has been given
because the give and maker is your father. We maximize all that has been given by tapping and spending
time with the man called GRACE
#The word works#
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