
Showing posts from June, 2018


               I watched this movie “COCO” and am sure you’ve watched it too. But there is something striking about that movie. It’s the life after death. To ensure a great life after death you have to be remembered by someone who would be kind enough to put up your photo if they want see you again. After the movie I paused to see if I would survive a year in the other world. In thought of this my mind went to so many others that died yet remembered for the remarkable things they did and even though dead their memory still lives on and I also remembered DORCAS in the bible who was giving a second chance at living because of her good deeds.        I believe you get my gist but if not let me ask it plainly; “ how long would you last in the other world”? “ How many persons would put up your photo just to see you again ”?         I life of purpose gets to answer that question...
             LOVE, a crazy, funny and amazing word. Means so much to some and yet nothing to others. It brings joy to the hearts of some and yet pain to others. A four letter word yet so divers in meaning, so complicated and sometimes confusing yet so understanding. The rich needs it, the poor want it. The older search for it the young longs for it.          Some are still searching for the real meaning of the word and still trying to understand its bounds. Some say if true love is sold in the market they would buy one to prevent heartbreak while some say they would never get involved to prevent heart break.          Oh Love “who in God’s name are you that the world so large seeks you”, even the president needs you. Some say you are cruel, some prefer to use the word wicked, how bad some paint you but yet how colorful you shine in the hearts of some.    ...


Of his fullness have we received grace for grace.  Even greater grace has he given us. GRACE –a person of Jesus Christ has been sent to make our Christian walk a whole lot easier to help us  achieve all we need to. But just as an adopted child of “Dangote” unaware of his inheritance will still find POVERTY a problem. So it is. Grace has been given but we need to spend time in studying and fellowship in order to grasp a full maturity of who we actually  are in Christ-grace.So we can no longer be tossed by very word of doctrine.                                     We grow stress free in Christ when we spend time with him.                                          We unconsciously live up the fruits of the spirit and even  ...


Sometimes little things are the keys to having all. It’s amazing what I discovered from our very popular John 3:16. Here it’s……         “For GOD so love the world that he gave his only son that whosoever believes in him shall not perish but have ever lasting life”. Now let’s break it down in bits shall we…….         First “for GOD so love the world that he gave…..”-when you love you love completely, with everything and then it makes you give. Giving in this context was GOD’S utmost sacrifice explaining to us that when you love you are willing to sacrifice your very best to help such one as long as it brings out the best in that person. Have you loved someone so much that you spared your all………? It didn’t matter if He (GOD) gave and we didn’t accept, it was worth the shot.          Now the second, “…….whosoever believes in him………..” it doesn’t say if the fine, fair and ...


I Was going through the book “WHY MEN MARRY BITCHES” and would love to share it with you   – Not really a book most persons would to read but it’s a book I would recommend especially if you have a challenge putting up the right esteem in your relationship or even as a single. It would help you build your esteem and enjoy yourself for “who you are” and not what “they want you to be”. Must warn though it’s not religious. So if you are the religious type please don’t but if you want to learn something new then it’s a new day.             BITCH first of all according to Sherry Argov stands for Babe In Total Control of Herself and for a lady to be in control of herself spells being in control of your thoughts, your emotions, your words and actions and being completely responsible. Most times when we find love, we want to do everything to keep it including losing control of our very self and thereby allowing whoever the love is ...