Joy's pregnancy (Part 1)

When we hear the word fruit, it reminds us of its tree. Every tree is known, recognized or named after its fruit.e.g a pawpaw tree is called that because it produces pawpaw fruit,a mango tree is called that because it produces mango fruit. Therefore we can say that a tree without fruit is hardly recognized and there is no tree that produces its fruit inbuilt, that is within itself. I might want to call that an invisible fruit tree. 
  Now having at the back of our minds that this is impossible, lets talk about our fruit of today which is JOY. Just like other fruits, joy is the fruit we need to show forth and not make invisible. When we give our lives to Christ or rather receive the life of Christ, The Holy Spirit comes into our heart and sows His wonderful seed in us (love,joy,peace, long suffering,kindness, goodness, faithfulness, gentleness, self-control).
 These seeds our planted in our hearts for us to water, nourish, care and bring into maturity because if not may soon dry off, wither and dry. In our lives, the watering, nourishing and care of these seeds can be done in the following ways....... (to be continued in part 2)


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