I thought variety is the spice of life, so why is marriage an exception.

At every point in life, going for varieties always seem super amazing. For example, having to choose from multiple outfits, shoes and even handbags makes going out exciting. Imagine waking to the same outfit every single day (we can’t stop fasting and praying for another).

This seems not to be the case of human relations as we have been told to be stuck with one person for the rest of ones life, all in the name of relationship/marriage. Monotony the last time I checked can be tiring and boring. It feels like repeating the same routine over and over again. I think I want out or better still can cheating be legalised so we can be opened to several options, if you know what I mean.

Hmm, these thoughts ran through my head and left me pondering why the great Divinity would prefer one to one and not the usual.

Fellowship.......again he said fellowship...that union, the love and commitment that binds, that emotion that makes you feel life is not worth living without the other, the communication, smile, laughter that make companionship of the other, something you can’t trade for another and makes us feel it has to be an ALL or NONE game.

It all makes sense now, why variety can be amazing to things without emotions and humans valued. We all have our emotions and we really wish deep down that we find that someone that would love us crazily that would trade the world for us and would be the centre of their world. Deep down no one wants to be treated as an option (2nd not even a 2nd wife).

 Having to stick with one partner can be boring but only if we allow it. Humans are patterned in an amazing way that they can produce 10 features in one. One person can come with so much package so technically we are not really ONE and hence the VARIETY.

Truthfully it can’t be all so easy and that’s why Marriage has to be intentional. You have to be ready to walk with your partner with Discipline, Love and Commitment and the rest is history.

Someone once said “we don’t get to choose if we get hurt in this world.....but we do have a say in who hurts us and we should like our choices.”


Phavie loves you


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