Can I forgive and forget? This is very common question we get to ask ourselves especially after something terrible is done to us and our Great book says Forgive. Well the answer is a Yes and No. No because we can’t actually format our memories and make ourselves forget every single detail of that event but YES we can, when we can tell the same story and not fill any hurt and pain. Forgiving and forgetting doesn’t literally mean forgiving and forgetting but forgiving and letting go. Letting go of the hurt, the pain, the agony you feel in your heart when you think of the incident. When you can successfully that painful story without feeling any pain, then you have indeed forgiven and forgotten and gradually you would seem not to remember consciously. It’s not about the memories but what feelings accompany the memories. #life is indeed beautiful, don’t waste it living in unforgiveness #Lovinglife360 #Phavie care